ANDA MOFETA BANU-no other Mofette can heal better then our

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Mofeta Banu-Brochure
Mofeta Banu-47 Scolii street Covasna-please click on each picture

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Mofeta Banu Covasna/Romania/EUROPE

INTRODUCERE IN LIMBA ROMANA-pe intelesul tuturor-Exista zone izolate in lume,in munti sau in insule uitate de lumea civilizata,unde``tehnologiile moderne`` nu au patruns niciodata.In aceste locuri NIMENI NU ESTE BOLNAV de diabet,cancer,ischemie, psoriasis,hipertensiune,depresie sau SIDA,pentru ca hrana si mediul in care locuiesc este inca natural si pot consuma alimente naturale,proaspete si neprocesate. Covasna,prin natura si pozitia sa geografica este inca un loc mai putin poluat unde se mai poate gasi si prepara o mincare ca la mama acasa.Covasna este inca o statiune unde bolile de inima si nu numai,mai pot fi stopate sau vindecate fara aditivi(MEDICAMENTE )cu mijloace NATURALE.Mofetele din Covasna sint cele mai puternice din lume dar nimeni din afara nu stie de ele iar Cardiologii din vest sint ingroziti ca intr-o zi vom reusi sa penetram in mintea oamenilor si sa le explicam ca exista si o cale naturala de scadere a colesterolului sau a hipertensiunii.Cuvintul mofeta este inexplicat in dictionarele de mare circulatie iar industria farmaceutica nu are nici un interes sa aflati ca exista remediu care nu se bazeaza pe chimicale de sinteza ci pe o banala emanatie de bioxid de carbon rezultat in urma unei activitati postvulcanice.Nu cautam sa va influientam in nici un fel prin acest website-va lasam pe decideti ce este in avantajul dvs si sa alegeti intre NATURA si CHIMIE. =========================================================== English Captions-Covasna is known as the LAND OF MOFETTES,table waters and SPAS. The county of Covasna is situated in the middle course of the OLT river which is situated in the arch of the Carpathian`s Curvature(a post volcanic zone).The relief consists mainly in volcanic mountains of a low altitude, and it is for this reason that you can find a lot of natural table water springs in the Covasna area. Some of these springs contain a flow of a thousands liters per hour(including ours).These table waters are rich in carbonic acid,they have a variable taste and curative effects.These table waters(carbogaseous mineral waters) and the mofettes are used in treating a lot of common chronic diseases like chronic cardiovascular and circulatory problems,coronarian insufficiencies, digestive system disorders and hepatobiliaries problems.There are mineral springs all over Romania, but Covasna is known abroad now for it's MOFETTES.The mofette is a special designed room which resembles a miniature amphitheatre or a sauna like room, where people can go inside for a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes or as recommended by a Doctor(Cardiologist) for therapeutic purposes.The gas(Carbon Dioxide) is released from under the ground naturally with a very low pressure, because the gas is heavier then the Atmospheric air it always sinks and stays to the bottom of the moffette floor and never rises above abdominal level. The patient goes into the mofette gas up to his/her belly button(maximum level) for safety reasons.Our body breathes in through ur mouth, nose and skin pores, But in a scenario when your body cannot breathe through the skin pores(because the Carbon Dioxide causes a lack of Oxygen),the body(the brain) tries to compensate and commands the Heart to pump more blood into the Arteries.Do not worry!!!!! this ia part of the treatment. The mofette cannot, in any shape form or fashion give you a HEART ATTACK or put you in cardiac arrest, because the mofette's gas(CO2) will not change your CARDIAC Rythm.The mofette gas will simply make your heart to pump HARDER not Faster.The Arteries will expand and some of your build-ups on the arterie's walls will start breaking down and will be metabolized by the liver.These deposits(LOW DENSITY CHOLESTEROL)are very dangerous for your health,especially for your Hearth capillaries which can be clogged anytime.In a scenario like this,the clog can cause a Heart attack ( preinfarctus).The surrounding living tissues of the heart die, and the Heart is damaged causing big pain on the chest and arms.If you do not get immediate medical attention, it can be a life threatening situation .this is something that you will not have to worry about in the near future if you go to visit a moffette.After several days of treatment you will start to feel totally refreshed and with different attitude.Little by little,day after day your Cholesterol deposits will diminish and you can even lower your daily medicines(DO NOT DO IT WITHOUT DOCTOR RECOMMENDATION and consultation).If you are able to have these treatments twice a year,you can stop,improve or even cure these life threatening illnesses so you can live a very happy,healthy and long life.The mofette is very successfull in treating peripheral vascular diseases too(lower legs).This illness is usually caused by Diabetes type 2 and goes to CANGRENA and even amputation. Not to worry anymore if you are treated with a mofette treatment,twice a year for a minimum of 7-10 days.MOFETA BANU from Covasna 47 Scolii street,tel:011-4(267340553) is the most powerful mofette in the World.Our mofetan gas comes straight from the main natural underground flow and has 98% concentration and purity.It is mixed with 2% Radon(a radioactive gas) which in return gives more efficiency to the mofette.The main mofetan flow passes under our mofette and then after a couple feet away it meets an underground water flow and creates the MINERAL WATER.The water is redirected to baths and is used for medical purposes in treating a lot of skin diseases(including Psoriasis) or Thanks.

MOFETA BANU offers you the chance to be cured of diseases and to enjoy a vacation as well in an area that is considered to have some of the "cleanest air" on Earth. Like we said above ,Covasna sits on a post-volcanic activity plateau surrounded by mountains.The AIR is supercharged with ``NEGATIVE IONS`` which in return takes away your STRESS.During the Summer days, the outside temprature never surpasses 25 degrees celsius(75 F) and in the night sometime reaches below 18 Celsius degrees(65 F).You do not need AIR Conditioning at all.You can sleep with the window wide open and hear the beautiful songs of birds in the local habitat(Due to low pollution levels there is lots of wildlife in the area) or if you want to stay late you can go to your mini-terrace(in the front of your room) and enjoy the moon and the stars above(open sky). If you need entertainment you may visit the Restaurant and enjoy the cultural music and dance, along with fresh farm grown food. Do not forget to pack your Laptop, we offer Wi-Fi internet connection free of charge. The mofette and mineral water baths are open on daily bases from 9:00am to 6:30 pm. The Medical Office(Paid services) is open on Tuesday and Thursday every week,but in Emergencies or On Call situations,the Cardiologist or ambulance will be on your side ASAP. You Need not worry as a guest in our facility, we thrive to keep facility as stress free as possible. We can pick you up from the minute you arrive at Bucharest Intl.Airport and bring you to Covasna and back when its time for your departure(Paid service).

Mofeta BANU este unica in lume datorita faptului ca avem o concentratie a bioxidului de carbon foarte aproape de 100%.Nici odata nu scade sub 98% deoarece filonul de gaz trece exact pe sub teritoriul nostru si dupa ce depaseste mofeta intilneste un izvor de apa de mare debit si se creaza in mod natural o apa minerala de foarte buna calitate.Initial apa a fost folosita de fostul proprietar numai pentru baut.Noii antrepenori au sesizat avantajele acesteia si au captat-o si dirijat-o la bai in scop terapeutic.Avem foarte bune rezultate in tratarea bolilor de piele(inclusiv psoriasis).Mofeta are acum o capacitate largita de 15 pacienti/serie si este deservita in permanenta de un cadru medical cu studii de specialitate.Accesul in mofeta se face numai pe baza de recomandare medicala.Intrarea la mofeta este de 2 lei/persoana/tratament iar la bai se percepe o taxa de intrare de 8 lei/pers/baie.Intrarea la bai se face in mod individual.Mofeta dispune de o capacitate de cazare de maximum 20 oaspeti/serie in 6 camere pat dublu,comfort lux(100 lei/camera/zi in sezon si 75 lei/zi/camera in extrasezon),un apartament cu bucatarie proprie,baie,dormitor si living room,comfort lux(150-250 lei/zi in functie de numarul de persoane cazate=max.admis fiind de 5 pers.)si o vila comfort lux(4 camere,living room,4 bai(2 cu Jaccuzi),bucatarie,terasa si garaj)-450 lei/zi(max 10 pers.incluzind copii de pina la 6 ani).Restaurantul mofetei este cu meniu fix sau la comanda.Dupa ora 8:00pm (in fiecare seara)servirea se face numai in circuit deschis(acceptam invitati din statiune pina la limita maxima de 64 locuri in interior si 16 locuri pe terasa din fata).Oferim acces WiFi gratuit pentru toti oaspetii nostri.Pentru cei ce se cazeaza la noi este garantat un spatiu de parcare(gratis)in fata camerei in care locuiti.Cabinetul medical-medicul nostru ofera -consultatii cu plata- in zilele de Marti si Joi intre orele 9:00am si 3:00pm,in fiecare saptamina.Mofeta si baile cu apa minerala sint deschise zilnic intre 9:00am si 6:30 pm.Restaurantul este deschis zilnic intre 9:00am si 11:00pm cu orar prelungit la cerere(consumatie obligatorie) sau cu Ocazii Speciale,dar nu mai tirziu de ora 5:00am ziua urmatoare.

Mofeta Banu-interior

Oferim posibilitatea de a petrece Revelionul sau Sarbatorile legale in cadrul Restaurantului Mofeta Banu.Rezervati din timp.
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MOFETA BANU GUEST HOUSE 47 street COVASNA ROMANIA / EUROPE tel:011-4(0267340553) If you come from Outside Europe or even any European country with a Plane you must stop in Bucharest(Romanian Capital) and then we can make arrangnts(for a small fee) to pick you up from Otopeni(Bucharest Intl.Airport).If you come by Train you can stop in BRASOV or Sfintu Gheorghe and we pick you up from the train station.If you come with your car,then follow DN1 to Brasov(or reach BRASOV from somewhere else)then go on the road to Bacau( DJ 11),then you will see a sign to Covasna(make right turn) and stay on the road till Covasna center,make first right and then first left on Scolii street.Go straight to no.47
Pentru clientii din Romania,indiferent de unde sau cu ce mijloc de transport sositi, aveti mai multe posibilitati de a ajunge la noi:daca sositi cu trenul atunci puteti cobori la gara Sfintu Gheorghe si sa luati microbuzul pina la Piata Covasna sau va comutati in trenul de Tirgu Secuiesc si coboriti la statia Covasna de unde luati Autobuzul( sau un taxi)pina in Covasna centru.Cu taxi veniti direct la noi.De la autobuz sau microbuz mai aveti doar 250 m de mers pe jos(sau luati un taxi).---pentru cei ce sosesc cu automobilul personal trebuie sa ajungeti pe DN 16 Brasov-Bacau pina la ramificatia spre COVASNA(este o statie ROMPETROL in vecinatate) si faceti dreapta(daca veniti dinspre Brasov)sau stinga(daca veniti dinspre Tirgu Secuiesc)si urmariti drumul pina in Covasna.Dupa o statie ROMPETROL(e pe stinga Dvs) dupa cca.500m faceti dreapta cca.70 m si apoi stinga pe Str.Scolii.Continuati pina la nr.47(este imediat dupa Scoala).Va multumim.